Friday, November 18, 2011

Brr ...

Soon it will be winter ...
Sunshine across the river  Frosty car Fog on the river
Today the sun will shine!

Friday, September 16, 2011

" ... and the Deer and the antelope play"

More visitors to the River.
They had a good time

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Monday, June 13, 2011



One evening the cat and I were on the porch loking down the driveway.

Brazenly comes out from the brush a little fox.  He then trotted across the driveway into the yard before returning into the brush.

The cat, while seeming not to notice, was not happy with this competitor for little Peter Rabbit snacks.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Neat Nifty Neigbhbors

It's great to have nice neighbors.

So just yesterday, while working outside, pulls into the driveway a large orange diesel tractor with a bucket up front and a big bush-hogger at the rear.

Neighbor asks to spray some water to clean the tractor's radiator filter & then offers, "Is there anything you'd like bush hogged"?

Well, actually we'd let our 'north 40' get a bit tall.  So, here's our neighbor at work.


Saturday, June 04, 2011

"Crunch" time

Stryker® has himself a good time.
Warning:  video may not be suitable for small children or sensitive adults.
Hope you'll have a good time, too.

Soon it will be summer!

The neighborhood is alive with crops and flowers.
See a sampling for yourself.  Be sure to see the pair of Goldfinches.

While strolling thru the park one day

Hey, good lookin'!  How 'bout a date?
Just out to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

Who is that guy taking my picture?

My bonnet keeps me from getting sunburned :)

Deer stroll

Mama, Papa and Baby deer ambled across the yard the other morning. They followed the old cow path that's been here for decades.
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Monday, May 09, 2011

And the beat goes on ...

Our neighbors think the beavers should return to our pine trees.

Here's a before and after of one of their nice redbud trees.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Out for a stroll

A pair of geese have been recurring visitors to our place this Spring. Here, you can see them walking around.

One of the geese thought I was getting too close. See him as he flies away. (scenes clipped from video, below)

Finally, watch the video. Listen to the geese begin honking (at 00:29 seconds).

It's fun to see the second goose do his splash landing in the river (01:04).

The video was shot with a cell phone camera.  Surprisingly good quality.  Especially for the clips of the goose in flight. 
It is amazing to be able to show these scenes here, just several hours from when they occurred. 
Can you remember 8mm cameras? After a few days at the photo processor, you could see silent home movies with the projector and screen. And we were all excited back then to enjoy the show.   

Monday, May 02, 2011

Now, bring your boat to the River

The 2011 fun season now begins. Have a look at the boat ramp at our Common Property for us all to enjoy this year... and for years to come!

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

It (was) raining... pouring.

Not like last year (see , sidebar on the left) but a lot of water on the Buffalo this year.  It's springtime.

To see these pictures directly in PicasaWebAlbums:  Hover mouse over the slides; Picasa icon will appear in lower right corner.  Click this Picasa icon, then click "Album 2011 April Flooding".

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living with Mother Nature

We're sharing half of the pine trees we planted with our neighbors who swim in the river.

Here's your education for today:
Beavers prefer certain trees and woody species, such as aspen, cottonwood, willow, sweetgum, blackgum, black cherry, tulip poplar, and pine, depending on availability. However, they can and will eat the leaves, twigs, and bark of most species of woody plants that grow near the water, as well as a wide variety of herbaceous and aquatic plants. Beavers often travel 100 yards (90 m) or more from a pond or stream to get to corn fields, soybean fields, and other growing crops, where they cut the plants off at ground level and drag them back to the water. They eat parts of these plants and often use the remainder as construction material in the dam.


Our neighbor gave us some iris a while back. These have just begun blooming this year. Thanks, neighbor!
Flower Garden

Soon they'll be ripe

This may be the year.  The patch is maturing, but youthful.
Close inspection will show fruits, still green, under the leaves.
Strawberry Field
Remember many months ago when we were working on this strawberry patch?


We seem to have a new recurring visitor this Spring.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Two thousand eleven

The first day of summer is just a few bunches of days away.  Snow blankets the riverbanks today.

But a few days ago, the River was in its winter sleep.  So calm, the River reflects clearly trees from the opposite bank.

We can't see the beavers under water.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Blue skies for 2011

It's going to be a good year at the River.  Enjoy.
Come back again soon!