Monday, July 27, 2009

Enjoy summertime

Late afternoon... at the end of a liesurely kayak ride down the river.
Do you see the house?
Do you see the garden cottage?
Do you see the red tractor?
Do you see the tracker?

Do beavers live at water's edge at the far right of the picture?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Tour the garden

Ride with us and take a spin around the garden.(click the picture to see the movie)

You'll see everything is well-watered, thanks to the heavy rains (see the flood, next post, below)
It's hard to see the squash hiding under those big leaves, but they're there.
Later we hope to have watermelons!

Fourth of July

After several downbursts, the river rose.
Turn up the volume and hear the sound of the water rushing downstream. Listen carefull at 00:25 and 00:32 to hear a bird tweeting.
As you'll see, the water spilled over the river bank onto the lawn.
Come back again soon!