Saturday, October 14, 2006

More little ones at the beach

From more than a half-century ago ...
click to enlarge
Thanks, Rick.

Success in Seattle

A tour through the living, dining, kitchen, guest and family rooms. Then, go UPSTAIRS to see the En Suite. Finally, two of his best friends in the bedroom!
Click on the pretty lady reading Real Simple to see a slideshow, including Teddy! As needed, your browser Back button should return you to River Bend Currents

Forget that "Sleepless in Seattle" jazz. As you take the tour notice that all these two are doing is reading. They want us to believe that they are working so hard.

No visit to Seattle is complete without a swing through the touristy fish market.

The Magic of Marriage

(click on pictures to see what Jim is thinking)
I was walking away from the camera with my dad. When I turned around, he was handsome and young!

Fall Colors at Bryce & Aspen

How 'bout those early fall colors in the Virginia mountains behind that new gray siding?
  • Could you picture yourself here next summer?
  • Remember this house just a short while ago?
  • Let's watch (patiently) to see the chimney brick climb to the sky
Click me to see lots more pictures: The front of the house is looking impressive.

Someday we may get to see this house in the daytime!
  • It, too, now wears siding
  • Soon the front porch will be ready for a couple of rocking chairs. One'll be for you.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nice house

Look for a recently posted comment by Anonymous Lindsey to a 'progress' post.
Stay tuned for some real progress. This weekend we traded the River for Puget Sound & its environs.
Saw a complete transformation of a skylight_drenched Master Suite, complete with sleek built-ins. Very professionally done. Did Conscientious Construction sneak out to Seattle? Hope to have pix for you soon.

Friday, October 06, 2006

White and wonderful?

Soon it will be Wintertime!
Winter 2003-2004
Feb 15, 2004 - 6 Photos

Click on the photo to see the entire riverfront. An album will open up for you to view. Then you can return to River Bend Currents when you're finished.

Hope your snow is white and wonderful. Out in the country it always is.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bob Woodward's new book reveals ...

So now we have State of Denial by Bob Woodward & the media is on a feeding frenzy-- again. It might not be the most important thing today.

His last book, Plan of Attack, set off the same kind of headlines.

It wasn't the most important thing nearly two-and-a-half years ago.

This was:

Topless! ... by Busy Beavers

Out here at the river, its good to have trees along the riverbank to slow down erosion. Here we can see the balance of Mother Nature. (click to enlarge)
  • The first inset shows a thorn tree. The thorns, on a larger tree will pierce the tires of a farm tractor and ruin the tire. But, they provide protection against...
  • The second inset shows what had been twin trees. Just last weekend, one had been cut, but one 6'+ tree remained.
  • The third inset shows most clearly those bucky-beaver tooth marks.
  • Over to the side you can see the path the beavers made as they hauled their booty to their lodge.
  • The beaver at the top, alas, is from the internet. 'Tho I've seen a few beavers swimming in the river, they are elusive. So, come on out here for a visit before the trees are all gone!
If you look closely, you can see the cat. She did lots of sniffing along the beavers' path.

Who are these little people?

  • They both got married this summer, but not to each other.
  • They both live in states that have a Long Beach, but they do not live in the same state.
  • They both have dads with a particular sense of humor and way of seeing things, but they do not have the same dad.
  • They both grew up to be neat big people.
Come back again soon!