Saturday, March 31, 2012

March goes out like a lamb?

So, it's the last day of March.  Temperature hitting 85°.  It's a beautiful day to cut the grass that's been growing by leaps and bounds.  And some dandelions that have gone to seed.  Have a look at the River for yourself:
Noon at the River (High Dynamic Range photo) -Newly Mowed Grass
Wouldn't you know that on such a summer-like day there would be an afternoon cloudburst-- with hail.  A two-minute video; so different from the earlier sunshine!
So, you decide:  did March go out like a lamb?  Hint:  later on, the sunshine reappeared just in time for sunset.
You may need to turn down the volume if you listen to this video-- the hail is very loud on the 'tin' roof.
The video is in 720p HD if you want to get a good look at the hail on the porch.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

a Super day

Yep.  Today has been a Super day.

If panorama picture is too wide to fit on your screen, try clicking on the middle of the photo.  It may switch you to a photo viewer.

River panorama in the morning

Not exciting... but peaceful.   Listen to a few birds chirping early in the morning (less than 40 seconds).

Better than the rain deluge the other day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The River is rising ... again

Here's a 12 second clip of this morning's downpour at the River. Wraparound porches are great for a day like today.

Hope the baby crops won't wash away. And hope river doesn't rise too much or become too swift to preclude kayaking this afternoon :(

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring is here (almost) !

The garden
Lots of cedar trees have grown up in our lot  adjacent to the 'cabin'.  The picnic bench you see here has stayed close to home.  It is tethered onto a post in the ground.  Before tethering, it had floated down several lots to a neighbor's tree line during a good sized flood (before the flood of May 2010)

The garden has been tilled for 2012.  Rows are marked with string.  It's a beautiful day... mostly sunny and unseasonably warm

The sky has darkened; thunder claps are occurring, but no rain.  The dark sky brings out the contrast of the trees beginning to leaf out.

A telephoto shot reveals the River as it bends northward.

Down from the picnic bench is a path that leads over the bridge to the River's edge.  The water is higher now than in the Summer.  The path is ready to be repaired after several high waters that approached flood stage.


After starting the garden, it was time for a well-earned break.

Dragging the kayak to the beginning of the path at the Riverbank.

Preparing to climb aboard.  A little trickier this time as recent late Winter high waters have brought sand and mud to where there had been a good base of river rock.

Underway!  The substantial wake is created by such powerful paddle strokes

It was a good ride, into the setting sun.

Already planted:  lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, beets, radishes, red onions, white onions, yellow onions.  To be planted tomorrow-- potatoes.
Come back again soon!