Saturday, July 31, 2010

Helping Mother Nature with the Path to the River

July 2010 - sprucing up
The Flood of May 2010 did some "re-arranging" of the Path that leads down to the River.  

  • The bridge survived, nearly intact.
  • Lots of sand was dropped on the downstream side (to the right of the bridge)
  • A sycamore was uprooted and toppled at the river's edge.  It's making new trees from its fallen trunk (upper right)
Now, re-filling some of the washed away earth at either end of  the bridge is underway.


August 2002 - the Path is born
The path has undergone a lot of change over the years.  It was just coming into its own eight years ago.

Another great day awaits

Peaceful, quiet, full of the wonder of what the day will bring.

The cat was stalking a crow out in the yard.  The crow flew away when the cat, having slowly crept toward it for about 25 feet, made his sprint for the kill.

Have fun buzzing all around the neighborhood on the Tracker.
Come back again soon!