Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Just another view of the river, quiet in the morning. But look carefully...

What kind of bird is this? Some kind of hawk?

Jot down your Bird Identification in the comments. (click pix to enlarge)

Yellowjackets sting

Returning to the scene of the crime.
Didn't see their hive in the ground while weed-whacking. About a dozen of them stung and chased the intruder.
The picture here was taken a week later. Look carefully & you'll see one of the critters. (click pix to enlarge)


Morning glories, watermelon (big), mowing the yard, the field of yellow as summer begins to wane at the river.
See the watermelon on the porch at the bottom of the collage?  We enjoyed it very much with some neighbors.
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Wish you were here...

If you're an early riser, come by for a visit. If you like your beauty sleep, watch this slide show.
From Movies

Come back again soon!