Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's Summer!

Every June begins summertime.  Update:  those blackberries are ripe and ready for picking.  Plenty for you—there are way more of them than birds to eat them.
The River is ready for your enjoyment.

Take a look at the Garden.  It is doing very well this year.

And see the harvest after everything was picked just two days earlier.
Also doing really well are Sunflowers.  These all germinated on their own-- evidently from last year's seeds.  Several of them were transplanted to the flower garden when they were just a few inches high,   Reminds you of "... look at me now ..." from Karmin's viral video of the same name?

Though you may be wishing for better weather where you are, it's been great here at the River.  Here's those sunflowers for you to enjoy.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Early June 2012 at the River

See some pictures from today at the River.  The grass is all newly mowed (mown?) so it was a good time to snap some views for you. Click on this full-sized photo collage to open it in a new page if its too big to fit on your computer's screen.

When do you think those blackberries will be ready to pick?  

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Taking shape - the gravel is moved

Well, today the gravel was spread into the space on the ground which will become the garage floor.

and Watch the Bobcat® in action.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Sunny - not

So, today the only sunshine around here is the first Sunflower of the season.

Sunflower - Vegetable garden is in background behind Butterfly bushes.

Come back again soon!